
FAQs for Merchants

Affiliate marketing is a type of marketing in which a Merchant rewards affiliates for each sale brought by the affiliate’s marketing efforts. The affiliates promote the business’s products or services on their website, social media, or other online channels. When a customer clicks on a publisher’s link and makes a purchase, the publisher earns a commission. Affiliate marketing allows businesses to reach a wider audience and can be a brilliant way to increase sales and revenue.

 When a business joins the Intechlinks marketing network, they create an affiliate program that outlines the commission structure and rules for affiliates to follow. The advertiser will then provide affiliates with unique tracking links that they can use to promote the business’s products or services.

  1. Wider audience:Intechlinks connects businesses with a diverse group of affiliates who can promote their products or services to an audience. That will help your businesses reach new customers and increase your online visibility.
  2. Increased sales and revenue:You’ll be able to work with publishers who are knowledgeable about their industry, and businesses can effectively promote their products and services to the right audience.
  3. Comprehensive support and training: Intechlinks provide support and training to help businesses and affiliates succeed with their affiliate marketing efforts. That can include help with setting up an affiliate program, tracking results, and optimizing strategies.

Merchants who are interested in joining Intechlinks can contact us directly at

The best thing about our network is that it’s free for businesses to join as merchants. To get started, approve us as a publisher in the affiliate network you want to work with, and we’ll take care of the rest. 

We provide our publishers with support and resources to help them succeed. That can include access to training materials, marketing tools, and other resources that’ll help publishers improve their promotional efforts and increase their revenue.

 One effective way to attract attention to your merchant profile is by offering a high commission rate. That can incentivize publishers to create compelling content and promote your brand enthusiastically. A higher commission rate can also be a motivating factor for publishers to choose to promote your products over those of your competitors. Competitive commission rate can help put your brand in the spotlight and drive more sales.

Coupons, sales, and free shipping are some of the most effective offers for generating higher earnings on each product. These offers can help attract customers and encourage them to purchase, resulting in increased commissions for the publisher. By offering these types of promotions, you can improve the performance of your affiliate program and drive more sales.

FAQs for Publishers

Affiliate marketing is a type of marketing in which a Merchant rewards affiliates for each sale brought by the affiliate’s marketing efforts. The affiliates promote the business’s products or services on their website, social media, or other online channels. When a customer clicks on a publisher’s link and makes a purchase, the publisher earns a commission. Affiliate marketing allows businesses to reach a wider audience and can be a brilliant way to increase sales and revenue.

Intechlinks provides the infrastructure and tools for affiliates to promote a business’s products or services and tracks the affiliate’s sales and commissions.

When an affiliate promotes the business’s products or services and a customer purchases through their tracking link, the sale recorded, and the affiliate earns a commission. Intechlinks tracks sales and commissions and ensure that the affiliate receives their payment.

  1. Increased revenue: By joining Intechlinks, publishers can earn a commission on sales or other actions and their promotional efforts. That will help to expand their overall revenue.

  2. Networking opportunities: By joining an affiliate marketing network, publishers can connect with other publishers and industry experts. That can provide valuable networking opportunities and allow publishers to learn from others, who have experience in the industry.

  3. Simplified tracking and reporting:  We provide publishers with tools and resources to track and report on their promotional efforts. That can help publishers see which products and services are performing good and which may need to be changed or adjusted.

Go to the signup/ Register Page.

Fill out an application form.

Wait for us to review your application and decide whether to approve it.

If your application is approved, you will receive a confirmation email.

Complete any additional steps if required to activate your account and start promoting the products or services.

Use the tools and resources provided by Intechlinks to promote the products or services and earn commissions on any sales you generate.

There are several ways to promote the products or services of an advertiser. One way is to create engaging content that shows the perks of the product or service and encourages people to try it out. That could include blog posts, videos, or social media posts that highlight the features and benefits of the product and service. You can also use paid advertising to reach a wider audience and drive traffic to the advertiser’s website or social media pages. Additionally, you can use email marketing to send promotional messages to potential customers and encourage them to try out the product or service. Check out the terms and conditions section of every merchant you are willing to promote to prevent any future cancellation or commission deduction issues.

To earn commissions from affiliate marketing, you will need to promote products or services from other companies on your website or blog. When a visitor of your site clicks on one of your affiliate links and makes a purchase, you will earn a commission. The amount of commission you earn will depend on the affiliate program you are participating in and as well as the amount of the purchase made by the customer.

Cookies are used to track sales in affiliate marketing. Different cookies are associated with several affiliate programs, and this sets the period for which commission could be earned with a click on the affiliate link. For example, if the cookie duration is 30 days, and a user clicks on the affiliate link and makes a purchase within that period, the affiliate will earn a commission on that sale. This system allows affiliates to earn commissions on sales that is initiate through their referral links.


To receive payments for your affiliate marketing efforts, you will need to provide us with your payment details and ensure that you have received a commission contact form from the merchant. Payments made at the end of each month, but only if the total commission earned has reached a certain threshold. It is valuable to keep your payment information up to date to receive your earnings.

We provide our publishers with support and resources to help them succeed. That includes access to training materials, marketing tools, and other resources that should help publishers improve their promotional efforts and increase revenue.

A merchant may cancel a commission for a variety of reasons. For example, if a customer cancels their order, the merchant may also cancel the associated commission. Additionally, if a merchant determines that an order is invalid due to any reason, they can cancel the commission. In general, commissions would only pay for valid orders that are not subsequently canceled.

Go to payments section and enter/update your payments details

Our Payment methods are:

  • Direct Deposit
  • Paypal


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